What is Design Thinking?
Design thinking is an iterative process that creators use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. It is most useful to tackle problems that are ill-defined or unknown.
Why you should be a creative design thinker?
The reason behind adopting the creative design thinking approach is that a good organization always looks for efficiency in the form of saved time, resources, or both. This need for efficiency is why the services of a designer are often required when developing a new product.
If you want to end up with a quality product without spending too much money and time developing it, designing can provide you with an alternative.
As a designer, you have to be dynamic, inspire, get inspired and be open to changing with the trends. Design thinking as a concept extracts the most out of a developing experience, while creating the best possible result for your target market
Importance of Design Thinking
Its importance can be judged in this way that the world's leading brands, such as Samsung, Google, and Apple, have rapidly adopted the Design Thinking Approach.
Design thinking is highly effective when dealing with undefined or unknown challenges through re-framing the issue in a human-centered approach, developing numerous ideas for brainstorming, and taking a practical approach to prototyping and testing.
Design Thinking Process
Just as there is a process for everything, design thinking in no exception. It is a five-stage process which goes like
1. Empathize – Research your users’ needs
It allows you to set aside your own assumptions about the world and gain real insight into users and their needs.
2. Define – State your users’ needs and problems
You then analyze your observations and synthesize them to define the core problems you and your team have identified, called problem statements
3. Ideate – Challenge assumptions and create ideas
The solid background of knowledge from the first two phases means you can start to “think outside the box”, look for alternative ways to view the problem and identify innovative solutions to the problem statement you’ve created.
4. Prototype – Start creating solutions
The aim is to identify the best possible solution for each problem found. Your team should produce some inexpensive, scaled-down versions of the product (or specific features found within the product) to investigate the ideas you’ve generated.
5. Test – Try your solutions out
Although this is the final phase, design thinking is iterative: Teams often use the results to redefine one or more further problems. So, you can return to previous stages to make further iterations, alterations and refinements – to find or rule out alternative solutions.
How to do design thinking better?
However, being able to constantly achieve success, test yourself on your abilities as often as possible. Small projects here and there can go a long way toward sharpening your design thinking skills.
One key to a helpful practice is to have a growth mindset. It means that ability and skill come through doing the work, not through inborn talent. With this frame, failure becomes a way to learn, not proof of incompetency.
How Develop a Growth Mindset Through Design Thinking
· It all begins with research and exploration.
What other ways could you reframe the issue? What are your goals? Is it a matter of time, versatility, or accountability? How can you put your existing skills and expertise to use? What is the connection between this and strategic corporate goals? Who in your organization or the community can you partner with? What new horizons are you willing to venture into?
· Ask yourself "How I/we might" questions
A technique to develop a growth mindset is to ask yourself "How I/we might" questions that will allow you to push past constraints. Adopting HMW focus is more likely to make you creative.
· Create the simplest experiment possible to learn.
Begin with discussions and work your way up to actual testing. Moreover, engage in discussion with a qualified supervisor. Create the simplest trial possible to verify concepts and see if you're in the right direction. Likewise maybe even an afternoon session or lunch and gain knowledge would be a good idea.
In addition to that, Consider taking on a small neighbourhood initiative with continuous improvement that doesn't require major change.
1. Astute observation
Astute observation means looking for the odds in the situation. Likewise, the observation can be done by noticing the actual circumstances and how they are happening.
2. Anything is possible
Another important consideration is not to expect perfection when using this method. Despite receiving much praise, design thinking is not without its fair share of challenges. It does provide designers with a good option.
However, remember that errors can be made, and you need not limit your ability or responsibility on the notion that design thinking is perfect. It is not.
3. Aim for the best
The third is to always strive for efficiency. We know that design thinking helps reduce the amount of time taken to develop a project. However, while chasing speed, it is essential to pay attention to efficiency.
4.Be smart
Always look to work smart. Now, this comes without saying. Design thinking employs the designer to use creative, cognitive, and practical thinking skills to achieve the desired goal.
As a professional in this field, it is essential to know how the thing works and anticipate. As a result, one can use strategic approaches to make work easier or more efficient. Working smart is all about maximizing opportunities presented to ensure the efficiency of the final project.
5. Practice
As is the case of any skill, we all need to practice to perfect it. The same applies to design thinking. Learning it is the first step towards being able to use it in practical situations.
6. Outcome over output
It is essential to focus your implementation of design thinking on outcomes as opposed to outputs. Yes, having an output is good. However, you want it to be able to satisfy a given role.
Developing this ability should be your primary goal and the basis for creating the output, which is a workable prototype.
7. Allow all ideas
Divergent thinking and sharing wicked problems are also essential in design thinking to stimulate creativity. Insight is the base of ideas, and ideas are the solutions for the customers' difficulties.
So if the goal is to help the customers and make their lives better, it indeed does its work. The customers' needs and not the products bring in innovation and, in turn, creates customers.
8. Look around
The Eleventh tip is to observe the work of others around you. There is no such thing as being perfect.
There is always room for learning, improving, and looking at other UX or graphics designers in the field can be a good way of learning how to improve your design thinking process.
Even when you feel you have learned (almost) everything, you will always encounter someone who does things differently and from whom you can understand.
9. Everything doesn't work
Testing is an integral part of design thinking, and the solutions should be checked with users time and again. This means frequent testing of the answers to the problems is required to know if they are workable or not.
10. Imagine from multiple perspectives
Hone your imagination skills to pose questions and open up areas unseen design thinkers can imagine inherently desirable solutions and meet explicit or latent needs by taking a' people first' app reads.
Good design thinkers observe the world in minute detail. They notice things that others do not and use their insights to inspire innovation.
11. Get rid of the fear of failure
Imagination is nurtured when there is no fear of rejection or failure. The design thinker can imagine future possibilities and communicate them.
When would you not use design thinking?
Remember, all solutions do not work, and some fail, and you should be willing to accept the results, whatever they may be, to improve the situation.
Besides this, it is important not to design thinking on processes that are not open-ended. Further, Design Thinking is an exploratory strategy employed in the face of a complex challenge.
Additionally, the problem underlying the problem is not fully understood, and a convincing solution is not readily apparent. Usually, other people also test your ideas, and in this way, they validate them.